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Little Gloves

Little Gloves (3 year olds)

This division is a child development program created to introduce children 3 years old to the game of baseball. Little Gloves teams develop important baseball skills such as throwing, catching, hitting, and base running. Developmentally appropriate equipment and drills are used to teach your child the game of baseball in a fun, exciting, and positive environment. Little Gloves has smaller teams, average 7-9 players per team and may practice twice a week for an hour.



Shetland Division

Shetland Division (ages 4 through 5)

This division is for children who are at least 4 years old, but less than 6 years old as of August 31st of the current year. At this level, players will hit coach pitch balls with tee rescue. We believe that while teaching our children the proper batting mechanics, that the ball will be put into play more often. As a result, the game will be more active for both the batter and the fielders and build the needed confidence for the next step up into clinic. Remember the goals of development and confidence.



Clinic Division

Clinic Division (ages 6 and 7)

This division is for children who are at least 6 years old but less than 8 years old as of August 31st of current year. This level will be coach pitch only. Many say, hitting a pitched ball is one of the most difficult things to do in all of sports. As coaches pitch to their own players, the emphasis will be on continuing to build sound batting mechanics and the necessary confidence needed for the next step up into Pinto.



Pinto Division

Pinto Division (ages 7 and 8)

This level is for children 7 years old, with at least one year of clinic experience, but less than 9 years old as of August 31st of current year. This level will be player pitch. Anyone who follows baseball knows that the key to success is quality pitching. While many children are capable of throwing a ball relatively fast, this level will focus on how to pitch with control. Since this is generally easier said then done, when the opposing pitcher reaches ball four, the batter's coach will come into pitch until that batter puts the ball into play or strikes out. No walks will be issued. At this level, all basic fundamentals of the game are reinforced.




Mustang Division

Mustang Division (ages 9 and 10)

This level is for players who are 9 and 10 years old as of August 31st of current year. This level, for most children, is the exciting beginning to the real game of baseball as they see it on television. Walks are issued, bases may be stolen after the ball passes the plate, bunting and an introduction to basic signs are all very important phases of this level. In this division, teams are also scheduled to begin use of the professional arm style batting facility that Lake Shore currently has on site. This site allows coaches a greater opportunity to teach hitting in a more controlled setting with a large number of repetitions.



Bronco Division

Bronco Division (ages 11 and 12)

This division is for players who are 11 and 12 years old as of August 31st of current year. This level is where the full game of baseball is played. All restrictions are removed especially in regard to stealing and pitching. Players are now allowed to lead off bases and pitchers are taught to hold and defend against all aspects of the running game. Be careful however, because balks are also part of the real game of baseball and they will be called here as well. This league also has scheduled use of the batting facility to help maximize time off the diamond.



Pony Division

Pony Division (ages 13, 14 and 15)

This division is for players who are at least 13 years old but less than 16 years old as of August 31st of the current year. This level focuses on playing the complete game of baseball on a near major league size diamond. Players are encouraged to refine and build on the skills learned in the previous league. For many of our players, this is the perfect opportunity to hone their skills before then enter high school in a fun and relaxed environment. This league also has use of the batting facility.



Colt Division

Colt Division (ages 16, 17, 18)

This division is for players who are at least 16 years old but less than 19 years old as August 31st of the current year. This level will focus on the player who might not want the commitment of the full time travel at this age, but would still like to be active in the game. This is the complete game of baseball on a major league size diamond.