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Rules, Regulations, By-Laws


Lake Shore Youth Baseball. Inc Constitution and By-Laws


This organization shall be known as Lake Shore Youth Baseball, Inc. (LSYB).



SECTION 1 – The objective of Lake Shore Youth Baseball, Inc. (LSYB), shall be to implant firmly in the children and young adults of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so they may be well adjusted, stronger and happier individuals and will grow the be good, decent, healthy and trustworthy citizens.

SECTION 2 – To achieve this objective, Lake Shore Youth Baseball, Inc. will provide a supervised program under the Rules and Policies of Pony League Baseball, Inc., Lake Shore Youth Baseball White Sheet Rules and Private/County League affiliations. All Officers, Board Members and Members shall bear in mind that the molding of future citizens is a prime importance. In accordance with the Federal Internal Revenue Code, Lake Shore Youth Baseball, Inc. shall operate exclusively as a non-profit educational organization providing a supervised program of competitive and instructional baseball games. No part of the net earnings shall be to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and no part of the net earnings shall participate in any political campaign.



SECTION 1 – ELIGIBLITY: Any person sincerely interested in active participation to further the objective of Lake Shore Youth Baseball, Inc., may apply to become a member.

SECTION 2 – CLASSES: There shall be the following classes of members:

PLAYER MEMBERS – Any player candidate meeting the requirements of Pony Baseball shall be eligible to participate but shall have no voting privileges.
REGULAR MEMBERS – Any person actively interested in furthering the objectives of Lake Shore Youth Baseball, Inc. may become a regular member. But can not actively vote in elections unless they have a paid player. one vote per paid player.

BOARD MEMBERS – Any person who has been elected to the Lake Shore Board of Directors who fulfills duties and attends meetings. A Board member’s term shall commence on July 1st and terminate on June 30th of each year. Board Members are entitled to one vote. The President may only vote in the case of a tie. All vacancies on the LSYB Board shall be selected by nomination and / or vote of the Board.

OFFICERS – The officers of Lake Shore Youth Baseball, Inc., are Board Members and shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, Treasurer and a Secretary.

INACTIVE BOARD MEMBERS – Any Board Member who is absent for three consecutive board meeting will become an “inactive” Board Member and may be subject to removal from office. Any “inactive” board member may attend two consecutive meetings and be reinstated as a voting member at their third consecutive meeting. Missed meeting can be okayed by the President

SECTION 3 – SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION: Membership may be terminated by resignation or action of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Discipline, by two-thirds vote of those present at any duly constituted meeting, shall have the authority to discipline, suspend or terminate the membership of any Member of any class when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interested of Lake Shore Youth Baseball, Inc.

The member involved shall be notified of such a meeting, informed of the general nature of the charges and given the opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges.



SECTION 1 – REGULAR BOARD MEETINGS shall be held according to the schedule for the year set by the President of the League.

The President of LSYB shall preside at all meetings. In the absence of the President, an Officer shall chair the meeting. The President shall announce business in the proper order, state questions and put them to a vote, announce the results of all votes, be impartial in assigning floor and shall protect the rights of each Board Member.

The Secretary shall keep roll and record the minutes of every meeting.
Quorum – To transact business, a quorum of a majority of the active Board of Directors must be present. In addition, an Officer must be present and preside at all Board Meetings.

Vote – Each Board Member shall be entitled to one (1) VOTE. The President may only vote in the case of a tie. At that time, the President will cast the tie-breaking vote.

Roberts Rule of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings except where same conflicts with the LSYB Constitution and By-Laws contained herein.

The order of Business shall be as follows:

  • Reading of Minutes
  • Financial Report – Optional
  • Report of Committees
  • Unfinished Business
  • New Business
  • Adjournment

SECTION 2 – SPECIAL MEETINGS may be called by the Board of Directors, or the President at their discretion. No business other than that specified in the request shall be transacted at the special meeting.



SECTION 1 – The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. The Executive Committee will vote on those issues of an emergency nature, in accordance with the by-laws stated herein.



SECTION 1 – The Rules/Decision Committee. The responsibilities of this committee shall be to review and revise the league’s playing rules and hear/vote on all protest of game issues in accordance with the LSYB White Sheet Rules.



SECTION 1 – MANAGERS: All managers shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

Managers shall be responsible for the equipment and returnable uniforms issued to their team. They shall return uniforms and equipment no later than two weeks after the final scheduled game, inventoried, cleaned and separated. Upon acceptance as manager, manager will sign contract taking full responsibility for all equipment and provide a deposit of $100, in a check that will be returned to the coach when all equipment is turned in to Equipment Manage. Failure to turn in equipment will be grounds for permanent removal as a Manager for Lake Shore Youth Baseball, Inc.

All Managers and coaches will conduct themselves in accordance with the highest ethical standards and instill such standards to those in their care. Managers and coaches will promote good sportsmanlike conduct with all of their players. Conduct which shall call for immediate disciplinary action by the Board of Directors include but are not limited to: obscene remarks, gestures, use of profanity, harassment of players, coaches or officials, sexual harassment, use of or permitting use of alcoholic beverages or drugs on playing facilities, fighting or encouraging fighting among players, knowingly using ineligible players and knowingly jeopardizing the safety of any player.

Players participating in the above misconduct shall be subject to immediate disciplinary action by the Board of Directors.

All Managers and Coaches will be subject to a background check conducted by Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks. If for any reason, a Manager or Coach does not pass a background check, LSYB will prohibit said individual from participating as a Manager or Coach. Moreover, said individual will be prohibited from serving in any instructional capacity of a team.

SECTION 2 – PARENTS, SPECTATORS AND LEGAL GUARDIANS affiliated with LSYB will promote good sportsmanship, respect and loyalty. Conduct which shall call for immediate disciplinary action include but are not limited to the following: obscene remarks, gestures, use of profanity, harassment of any player, manager, coach or official, sexual harassment, use or ingestion of alcohol or drugs on playing facilities, fighting or encouraging fighting among players, parents or officials.

SECTION 3 – PARENTS AND/OR LEGAL GUARDIANS will be responsible for any returnable uniform or uniforms issued to them or their child and will return them to the league when specified by the Uniform Coordinator. Any parent or legal guardian not returning his or her child’s uniform will be billed. Anyone with outstanding money owed to LSYB for any reason will not be eligible to register and/or play baseball with LSYB until all outstanding debts are paid.



SECTION 1 – An annual election of Officers and Board of Directors shall occur at least 60 days of the end of the Board of Directors term. The election time and place shall be advertise by web site, email blast to all registered voters and or local newspaper

Nominations will be accepted from general membership, which will be advertised on our web site.

Officers and Board of Directors shall be elected by secret ballot. Each member of LSYB shall have one vote, in person with a maximum of two votes per family registered with LSYB. The votes can only be cast by parent or legal guardian in person. You must hold an active board position for a minimum of 2 years to run for an executive board position.

The Executive Board may exercise the authority to fill any officers position in the event the person resigns or are terminated, during the course of the term.



SECTION 1 – All financial transactions of LSYB shall be approved by Executive Board and or the president... The Executive Board shall draw a budget for approval by the board of directors for the period beginning October 1st and ending September 30th, coinciding with the Board’s term of office.

SECTION 2 – All expenditures for daily operations of LSYB can be paid by the Executive Board, of such expenditures shall be kept by the Treasurer. All checks must have one of the required signatures or either the President and/or Treasurer. All checks written must have the approval of the President.

SECTION 3 - The Treasurer shall deposit all funds, pay bills, and keep an accurate record of all financial transactions of LSYB. The Treasurer shall give a financial report at meeting (optional). Said report shall include a listing of the check written and monies deposited for preceding month. The report shall also include current balances and a budget report. There will be separation between Travel money and Intramural money. This will be overseenz by President and Treasurer.

SECTION 4 – The financial record of LSYB shall be subject to an internal audit at year-end and if deemed necessary, at any other time approved by the Board or President.



SECTION 1 – The Board of Directors will be governing to property and affairs of Lake Shore Youth Baseball, Inc. Each member will instill loyalty, respect, and a sense of honor, courage, friendship and good sportsmanship among each other and the member of LSYB. The Board of Directors philosophy will be to provide adult leadership and guidance to those we serve and to communicate positively with one another and those in the community in a positive manner. The Board of Directors shall consist of the following offices:

  1. President
  2. Vice-President
  3. Treasurer
  4. Secretary
  5. Lil Gloves Player Agent
  6. Shetland Player Agent
  7. Clinic Player Agent
  8. Pinto Player Agent
  9. Mustang Player Agent
  10. Bronco Player Agent
  11. Pony Player Agent
  12. Colt Player Agent
  13. Sponsorship
  14. Head Team Parent
  15. Head Groundskeeper
  16. Tournament Director
  17. JR Umpire Coordinator
  18. Parade Coordinator
  19. Equipment Manager
  20. Web Administer
  21. Registrar
  22. Scheduler


By-Laws Revised January, 2022